Improve your productivity, one step at a time

We all have 24 hours in our day, and still, at the end of the day, some of us are left pondering how certain people are able to do more than others. When everyone has the same set of hours, how are the outputs so different? If you give it a good thought, you will know it all comes down to one thing, and that is time management and the right mindset. In the domain of personal development, your mindset and time management skills are the most relevant attributes. According to studies, only 10% of people feel in control of how they spend their time every day. Read along and learn how you can improve your productivity if you change a few habits and notions.
“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot,” this quote by author Michael Altschuler reflects that ineffective time management can directly impact your productivity. It can lead to increased stress, bad relationships, missed opportunities, health issues, low self-esteem, and overall deteriorating quality of life. Whereas, effective time management can allow you to have a better quality of life, improve your productivity, reduce stress, enhance self-confidence, and get efficient results.
Author Idowu Koyenikan shares, “Where your attention goes, your time goes.” So, how does one manage time efficiently? How can one yield more results in a short time span? If you are trying to answer these, here are a few steps that you can incorporate into your day-to-day life:
Set an intention for the day
Initially, I could not understand the importance of this exercise, but when I started using it and taught my clients, we all became more productive than we were. So, if we can do it, you too can. Once you wake up, take some time to freshen up, and then set an intention for the day. Decide how you want to see your day (happy, joyful, productive, etc.) and what you look forward to achieving that day.
You can start by making a list stating how you want to see your day and what all you look forward to do. You can make this list on your phone so that you have easy access and can go through it several times during the day.
This exercise will help you stay aligned with what you are looking to achieve and stop you from getting distracted. Also, you need not force yourself to finish everything if the list is long. Keep a check on the list and ensure you make a realistic one. Try doing it for at least a week and see how your productivity improves.
Improve your productivity by avoiding multitasking
I know we all are multitaskers, and we love taking care of several tasks at once. We are doing work, checking our phones and emails, and talking to our friends — all at once. However, this is something you must stop. Contrary to popular belief, multitasking is counter-productive and makes your tasks more prolonged and prone to errors. Multitasking does not allow you to stay focused with full awareness of anything.
As you switch between different things, your mind requires a few seconds to disconnect from the previous task and connect with the new one. Consequently, you end up taking more time to complete the work. Avoid it as much as you can to make yourself focused so that whatever you do, you deliver it with quality in less time.
Master the art of saying no
Imagine yourself saying yes to everything people request from you. Can you imagine the kind of havoc it will bring to your life? Let’s be honest, you can not be present for everyone all the time. At some point, you need to stop saying yes to every request that comes your way, and need to start valuing your time and energy. So, begin by saying ‘no’ whenever you feel you can not do what someone has asked and take a stand for yourself. Your response will save you from the things which are not as important to you, hence managing time for what is more important.
Take care of your physical health
I have seen people feeling sick and unwell but still working. Nothing will go wrong if you take a day off for your physical health and rest. Avoid checking emails and calls when you have taken a leave from work. If you continue to do so, you will set a wrong example for yourself and also others. It also shows how you do not respect yourself to take the rest you need. Loving what you do is good. I love everything I do, but you need to listen to your body too. It should be your top priority. Take rest when your body needs it badly so that when you feel good again, you can work with complete dedication. Working with sickness will not lead to positive results.
Take small breaks
Having a little free time while working the entire day can be a blessing for your body and mind. While setting an intention, do not forget to add some free time to the list. Take a break of just 15 minutes twice or thrice and spend two mins deep breathing to relax your mind and body. Prioritise your breaks, they are productive.
De-clutter your workspace
If you follow all the things mentioned above, you will be able to work stress-free. If you skip any of these things, stress can follow and destroy your mental peace. De-clutter your mind before you sit on your desk by deep breathing or praying. Also, ensure your workspace is always well-organised as it helps keep your mind clear and improves productivity. Clutter often brings in negative energy. Clearing your mind and space will revitalise you with positive energy and make you more efficient and content.
Avoid cribbing to improve productivity
Avoid cribbing to improve productivity. If you are the one who is always complaining, you will end up attracting similar things to crib about. Complaining will give more energy to the thought or incident you are thinking or saying, making it more powerful to repeat again. It is based on the simple logic that you attract what you radiate.
Radiating complaints and negative energy make you attract more negativities. Instead, let it go and pay gratitude to your work, as it takes care of many things you have in your life. Replace complaining with gratitude so that you attract more things to be grateful for in your work.
In this read, I have given you a list of tools to apply for effective time management and quality results. If you make these things a part of your lifestyle, your life will surely become extraordinary. Being productive is not one big task but an amalgamation of many tiny things that you can do on a daily basis.
While we link productivity with the outcome, we often forget that having the right head space, health, and environment are the crucial prerequisites to improve productivity. When you start caring for the little things and invite more positivity into your life, you will see the magic.
You will notice that the bigger things will automatically fall in place with much more ease and efficiency. So, the next time you feel your hours have not been as productive, go back, and analyse how you spent the last few minutes. As British statesman Lord Chesterfield said, “Take care of the minutes; for hours will take care of themselves.”